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English translation for "yielding of crystals"


Related Translations:
yielding water:  出水
root yield:  根重
scouring yield:  精练率净毛率
yield traits:  产量性状
yield optimization:  回收率最佳化
yield range:  屈服区域
wafer yield:  晶片成品率
nuclear yield:  核弹药威力核当量
firm yield:  稳定产量
redemption yield:  偿还收益赎还收益率
Example Sentences:
1.The topic is on the basis of the synthesis of the basic magnesium chloride whisker . the research perform the recycling experiment on the synthesis and property of the basic magnesium chloride whisker by adding ammonia or magnesium chloride and ammonia simultaneously into the mother liquid of crystal and during the synthesization of the basic magnesium chloride whisker , we add the seed crystal , additive , or surfactant in order to increase the yield of crystal
Similar Words:
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